Saturday, April 26, 2008

Sunny Sunny Days!

Today was a good, old fashioned HOT day at the beach. Let me tell you, the sun was burning down. Unfortunately, the wind was nowhere to be seen. We headed down to Salt Creek today and it was great. I have to admit that Salt Creek is a challenge for me cause that hill kills me and the beach is so huge. It was absolutely beautiful, though! It ended up to be nice and hot and we are all rosier than before we went. We were lucky to have the Decker's hang out, too. Kai and Payton had so much fun playing THE ENTIRE TIME in the water w/ Bennett (thanks Wade for hanging out down there with them while Jared was surfing!). They were loving it, that's for sure. We had a blast and now we are all going to take a nap! Hope everyone had a great day and was able to enjoy the sunshine!
What cuties!
Wade dug an impressive hole for the boys to play in!

Payton found her own hole to lounge in.
She loved chasing the waves...back and forth, back and forth...

this picture is awesome cause it looks like Sara and I are missing some swimsuits. Stop it...we are just wearing some strapless attire!!!


Laura Ek said...

Adorable pictures of Payton, i'm dying!!! You and Sara look like sisters in that picture, naked sisters!!

Jon and Ashley said...

Your kids are beyond cute. I am so jealous of the beach. It looks like so much fun. I get to see Melanie this Thursday! I am so excited.

Elizabeth said...

those pictures are soo cute! I can't wait to start going to the beach again! Hopefully I can handle it with three kids! I love picture of you and Sara!!

Sara Decker said...

We look like sisters, except you look cute and I look scary!!! Haha. We had fun today. Bennett wants to go to the beach with you guys everytime now. I will have to give Cresent a try. My plan ended up back-firing and my kids both napped until 6pm, and Bennett is still awake at more long beach days! Love all of the pictures.

Brooke said...

Oh myyyyy, these pics are truly killin' me! your kidss....where do I begin? So, so cute. Oh and bye the bye...I am all about strapless on the go girls!

Nate and Nicole said...

Cute pictures, Camille! Today was beautiful, we beached it, too - just not to Salt Creek. What kind of camera do you have? I always love all of your pics, and I need a new one.

The Staffieri Family said...

What a fun beach day! We went all day too and it was a perfect day. Cute pictures. Your kids are adorable. We'll have to do some beach days up there with you guys this summer. We miss seeing everyone!

Leah said...

Ok, I just burst out laughing at the last picture. So funny.

Oh how I miss Salt Creek Beach!! We'd go get lunch items from Trader Joes and hike down there (yes, the hike up does suck). And I was stung by a bee there on my foot, walking on the random.

Brooke Wilkins said...

I love Peyton's hair! How awesome is it! Too bad you aren't really naked in that picture with Sara. That would've been so scandalous! Very European! You did look a little tanner than your usual tanness today! I am ready for Crescent on Tuesday! I can't wait!

Abi said...

Did you see that oprah where jamie Lee Curtis posed "nude" for" the cover of a magazine? That is totally what the pic looks like! I love the picture of Payton holding the car. Looks like you had a fun day!!!

Jill said...

It has been beach days lately! Glad you had a good time. The pictures are fantastic!! My my, what beautiful kids you have! I swear, someday I will be there too...

christa said...

It's finally warming up here, so I'm not AS jealous as I once was. Looks like a great day at the beach. Kai and Peyton are just too cute.

Marcy said...

Those pics of Payton and Kai are so great, how do you manage to take such good ones? I need a lesson or two. You and Sara are so cute!

Anonymous said...

It looks like things get a little racey on the weekends when you're with Camille. You girls look great. And how 'bout Payton looking at the camera these days? The Bunkers sure are a good looking bunch. Must get it from their momma.

McGraths said...

Sexy Camille! Payton needs to start modeling. She could be in an ad for baby sunscreen.

Roney Family said...

First, what awesome pictures of the kids! And second, I love love love Payton's pig tails. They are just way too cute on her. I cant wait to see them in person. We will have to get a picture of the Peyton's in matching pig tails. And third, I love that picture of you and sarah. Yummy Mummy's!!!

Tracy said...

If you're going to tackle that hike down to Salt Creek, then Saturday with the hubby's to help is definitely the day to do it! Great pictures!

SUMMER said...

Those pictures of Peyton could be in an ad!!! They are SO clear and amazing!!!

Christa said...

so are you in utah or what? Enjoying the snow??????????????

Lisa Webb said...

Your always saying you never get your kids to look at you in photos but you got some great ones of Kai and Payton! They are total cuties!

Lisa Webb said...

Hey Camille, I just checked out Leah and Geoff's blog and her pictures are amazing, how beautiful are you can Kai?!??!!

Erica said...

I miss you guys! It was fun living by you. I'm surprised to see that it looks hotter there then here in Houston. The weather has been heaven here. Your kids are adorable, by-the-way. Kai does the same fake grin that gracie does for pictures. Keep in touch. Erica

Anonymous said...

The Utah pictures turned out AMAZING. She's a great photographer but you guys are beautiful subjects so you couldn't go wrong. I'll definitely have to check her out whenever we're in the UT neighborhood.

Anonymous said...

The Utah pictures turned out AMAZING. She's a great photographer but you guys are beautiful subjects so you couldn't go wrong. I'll definitely have to check her out whenever we're in the UT neighborhood.

Anonymous said...

What Do YOU Think?

Ashley Park said...

I am quite certain there is not a cuter little girl on the planet. Those pics of her are ridiculously cute.

conradfilm said...


I found your blog, and wanted to say congrats on the way cool fam.

Jon and Ashley said...

Hey Cami, I just wanted to let you know that our blog is private now. If you want an invite email me

amanda said...

i LOVE the naked shot, you look hot! when are we meeting at the beach?

SUMMER said...

This is silly... I need an update please!!!