Friday, September 5, 2008

Some milestones for Kai and Payton (and Mom). . .

As everyone already knows, school started this past week and that means that Kai has begun Kindergarten. He has been looking forward to this all summer and was so excited to put on his new Batman backpack and head over to Oak Grove Elementary. I had butterflies in my stomach all morning just knowing that this was really it. I realized on his first day how much I really didn't want him to be gone every day. I know, I thought I was going to relish in all the free time, but I actually felt bad that he was going to miss out on our time together. Huh! Kai was totally awesome and was so proud walking into his class. He was so cute ... I couldn't stand it! Luckily for me, this first day was more of an orientation, so I got to hang out for the short hour class and help him look around.

The room has a bunch of tables that are called "centers". One of the centers was for building blocks. Kai built this cool contraption and said, "Look, Mommy. It's the temple!" I thought that was so sweet. Then, he added a few more things to it and said,"Actually, it's a spaceship!" CLASSIC!

Payton started her first day of Preschool on Thursday. I was so excited for her. Well, we pulled up to our beloved Cottage Preschool and she got out so happy. I know she thought that we were just dropping Kai off like we had in the past.

Kai was even walking her in to add to her confusion. So, we walked in, then Kai started heading for the front door to leave. It was about then that Payton realized she was staying and we were leaving. She wasn't too hip on that idea, let me tell you.

Sadly enough, I only add a small window to take pictures because Kai needed to be at school in 10 mins. So, this is how we left her. So sad!

The week has come to an end and it's been great. Kai has really done well, and only got a tiny bit weepy when I dropped him off this morning. He started to cry and then quickly sucked it up and said,"I need to wipe away these tears!" It was heart wrenching cause I knew he wanted to be brave and grown up. It brought tears to my eyes for sure.
The best part of it all (and probably one of the highlights of my motherhood so far) was after school when I picked Kai up. He was so happy and had the best day. In the car he said, "Mommy, I was sad when you left cause I wanted to go with you to Costco, but do you know what I did to feel better? I dreamed of your face and you were smiling. And your hair was blowing like it is now (the AC was on high in the car) and it made me feel better!" No joke, he said that!! Tears rushed in my eyes and I couldn't help but laugh a bit because it was one of the greatest things I've ever heard him say. How sweet is this boy of mine?!


Lisa Webb said...

alright KAI! Are you serious? I can not get over how completly adorable that is. You were smiling and your hair was blowing, No way, hold on.... i can't stop laughing! Maybe its because my kids aren't talking, and when i try to get landon to say mommy he laughs and says daddy, but i can't imagine them ever loving me that much. You got an awesome kid there camille! The temple turned spaceship is hilarious but the last comment takes the cake!
Poor Peyton looks like landon when i drop him off for nursery! I wonder if he'll ever get it!
So what are you doing with all your free time lady? SO JEAlOuS!

Leah said...

Oh my gosh, even I started crying at that!!! Seriously he is the cutest boy EVER!

Brooke Wilkins said...

Oh my goodness! That is the sweetest thing! I cannot believe that he said that. But then again, I can. He is such a sensitive kid. What a doll! Payton is so so cute and I love her yellow shoes! Gotta love those!

Elizabeth said...

that is such a cute story about kai! He's such a cutie!! you are so lucky to have a little boy like him!

Ashley Park said...

Oh my.. I am so jealous of you right now. The only thing I am hearing right now from my little man is "I want Daddy, I don't like you Mommy." Breaks my heart but I think he's sick of me just nursing 24-7 the little lady. Oh, yeah.. and he started preschool this week and actually said to me.. "Mom, I fine, go there" meaning the door. Your kiddos are rockstars!!

Karolyn said...

Your kids are so cute. It was so sad to send Mila to kindergarten too, but she absolutely loved it. Now Ruby keeps asking me if she can go to school too. Poor kid. I think she's lonely without her sister.

becca said...

He is such a sweet boy Camille! This story just melts my heart.

Just had to tell you how much fun we had today....and that I am making those fabulous cookies as I type this (crap...there goes my diet)!

Sorry, didnt' mean to cuss on your blog!

Laura Ek said...

Alright, that made me a little misty!! I'm so proud of him, like he's my own!!

Smith Family said...

That was the sweetest thing that I've read in a really long time! Your kids are absolutely adorable in every way. :)

Barbara said...

Camille, that seriously brought tears to my eyes! What kind of kid says that to his mommy? I love it. You have adorable little children and you have a right to be very proud!

SUMMER said...

That little Costco remark with the hair blowing is the cutest thing I have ever heard!!! Kai is so sweet.

Taylor said...

Hey Camille!

What a cutie pie...our Kai starts preschool on thursday and thanks to you i will bring the camera. would have totally dropped the ball on that one had I not read your blog....anywho, thanks for all your great comments on out blog. i would love to chat with your girlfriend...we get kai evaluated tomorrow and will definitely know more soon so some feedback would be nice. i don't have your contact info. email me:
thanks again girl!

Roney Family said...

Adorable!!! What little cuties you have!

Abi said...

Kai that is way too cute! Oh I love that comment about the hair blowing!!! he is a doll for sure!

Taylor said...

i don't think it's even possible, but I hope our little kai is a cute as yours is at 5 -- what a doll! great post, camille...