Thursday, July 2, 2009

These faces. . .

are my very favorite things to look at!

I love when Payton first wakes up from her nap and her hair is all in her face and crazy. She looks like such a big girl now, I can't believe it!
Taking these pictures reminded me of when I was growing up and my mom used to always want to take my picture...just standing there in the family room against the wall or something. I thought it was such a waste of time then, but now I see where she was coming from. You just love your kids faces so much and want to capture them whenever you can, right?!
Now, Kai's turn. He fought me a little more on just standing there for a picture. But, in the end, he's a good boy and does what his Mommy asks him. Love that!
Common picture face for Kai right now. He thinks it's really funny to close his eyes so when I check the view finder I say, "Kai, open your eyes!" He gets a real kick out of it.
These two are such great friends (with moments of hostility, of course). Kai loves taking care of Payton and she just thinks he is the greatest kid around! I'm so grateful!


Nate and Nicole said...


Your kids could not be cuter! I haven't seen them (or you) in so long, and they just keep getting cuter. Hope you're having a fun summer, and hope to run into you soon :).


Brooke Wilkins said...

you hit the jackpot with those two! I love your kids and I love you! Payton is a babe and Kai is a hottie!

Cadle Clan said...

How did Payton get to be so OLD? That hair is beautiful! You are one lucky mom!

Cadle Clan said...

Oh, and I LOVE the name...I just saw that on the baby cute!

Elizabeth said...

I love your kids faces too! They are soo stinking adorable, just like you!!!

Roney Family said...

They are adorable faces!

brooke said...

Seriously when did your kids grow up? I feel like they both look so old now...I guess we are growing up too.